
For more info about the threads of love project and details about how you can contribute link to my first post http://quilt4nie.blogspot.com/2008/09/welcome-welcome-what-please-donate-4.html

Many suggestions have been made to make quilts for the Chief, Stephanie, and Christian as well. I would be happy to sew more quilts with any extra fabric I receive. If you would like to contribute to their quilts I am also going to start a collection for each of them. Thank you for supporting the Nielsons through threads of love!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Speaking of miracles, Nie is back. How about that?

I had a fuel leak on our van and found out it was dangerous to have been driving. I now have a plan in my mind about how to exit incase of fire. Does anyone do fire drills for their vehicle? Is this over the top? I couldn't help but think of Nie. Fire scares me. She survived and is hurting but also thriving. She has always been miraculous but now she is truly a miracle.

Another miracle, we moved and lived. I am still unpacking, waaaaay toooo much junk. We had plenty of help moving but unpacking has been a duet. My husband is my new dishwasher and I do most everything else. Almost a fair trade, seriously it is. I will soon unpack the box labeled quilt for nie and soon after that the quilts will be visiting Alaska.

Did you notice the prints on Nie's new header? If you look closely here the yellow print is exact and if you change the color from a pinkish to blueish, that print is the same also. Oh how you know nie. It's all very exciting.

Updates coming soon.

As always, love yous.